It isn't often that one of my students surprises me with something that I just adore, that I hadn't found before. This may seem a rather conceited comment, but it is kinda my job to know more that the students. Or at the very least just make out that I do. . .
Because of Alex I am absolutley loving this website.
These four artist guys sent the book back and forwards from Ireland to Brooklyn NY and each took some time to respond to the previous pages created. It took six moths and the outcome was, obviously, the book. And an exhoibition and a website. An incredible project.
Being obsessed with sketchbooks, journals and all types of visual diaries, this was truly a sight for sore eyes. I am now spending today dreaming of who would be my perfect sketchbook partner. Considering this is the year of doing work I want to do, maybe tthis dream might come true?
Thankyou Alex.